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Be grandpa is so old that he can t worry about anxiety mommy aren t we going back to grandpa s place we can t let us continue to stay at qiao s house and pretend to be a thief as our mother can we makes sense dabao s words.

Back to su s house without saying hello she would feel very sorry for mr qiao after all su ruoxing couldn t bear to worry mr qiao and asked dabao to use a temporary phone card to call to report his safety but at the same.

Almost sent to the hospital so he immediately called qiao chixuan over and gave him a severe reprimand the beautiful persona qiao chixuan had established in the qiao family for many years collapsed in an instant she knelt.

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Been out of contact for less than an hour but the qiao family has a wide network and has used special resources after receiving the order from above the police officers acted immediately many police officers came some.

Contacted the traffic bureau for surveillance and some visited nearby luxury homes qiao zhanchen pursed his thin lips tightly and kept dialing su ruoxing s phone number the more you fight the more condensed your expression.

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Outside the window which can relieve the fatigue of the day although he doesn t know how to be romantic however when he bought this house he had dreamed that after retirement he could live in this villa with su ruoxing and.

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Fine as for asking you to cry for him qin haiqing paused although he has loved countless women he still has a crush on su ruoxing she was serious even afraid that she would break off with him and never dared to say.

Years later she made the same mistakes again he also hates iron for her I feel very sorry for her now that he had confessed his love qin haiqing decided to ask clearly ruoxing did you hear what I just said su ruoxing s.

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Level of a professor an independent suite with three bedrooms and one living room is arranged if she lived with xiao xingchen it would be more than enough su ruoxing had no choice but to settle down temporarily and make long.

Term plans for the qiao family she walked around the suite feeling strange the suite was very neat and bright and it looked like it had just been tidied up moreover the bedding in the bedroom looks new and the fabrics are.

In his trouser pockets and leaned against the wall at the door talk to each other women are so naive they actually believe that this is the treatment given by the school before she came he naturally let man prepares.

Everything first otherwise how could he rest assured to let her stay qiao zhanchen raised his wrist to look at his watch he promised qiao chixuan to go back at night to celebrate her birthday today is qiao chixuan s birthday.

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qiao qiao chixuan is really not as simple as you think you can t be unprepared she wanted to tell qiao chixuan and mrs qiao what she had overheard conversations all told tell qiao zhanchen and let him be a.

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Of targeting her she only feels her own blood rushes straight to the brain the feeling of being so angry that your life is not worth it at this moment she really wanted to let go let him go maybe people think it s cool to be.

Don t care if you don t love yourself su ruoxing s red lips trembled and she was extremely speechless I don t love myself is not it you were so obsessed with qin haiqing that you couldn t help yourself and lost your sense.

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Him as his biological father and he will not stand by and watch xiao xingchen he will be responsible for her upbringing and education to the end qiao zhanchen saw that su ruoxing didn t look good and knew that she was afraid.

Xingchen has already returned to qiao s house she is too tired to play and fell asleep knowing that qiao zhanchen had arranged for bodyguards to protect little xingchen she went to the appointment with peace of mind the old.

Qin haiqing would secretly take her to the snack street to have a good meal the delicious food there became her best memory what diseases cause weight loss of her childhood su ruoxing was sitting in front of a familiar wonton stall when a girl with.

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Eyes were half closed full of bloodthirsty and dangerous breath he was wearing a white coat and with his slender and beautiful hands he fiddled with a row of scalpels in a chilly manner the blade was gleaming white and the.

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Don t be afraid professor qiao doesn t really want to hurt you he just scares you qin haiqing was very dissatisfied ruoxing you still speak for him look at him with all the swords it s going to penetrate my flesh su.

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Your woman if you dare to hit her once I will cut you once next time what I cut will not be as simple as your ears his words were like the sharp and cold gaze like a scalpel slid down from qin haiqing s body qin haiqing.

What are you giving me do you want to poison me su ruoxing quickly comforted him don t be afraid the medicine professor qiao gave you can restore the feeling in your hands and feet qiao zhanchen s eyes the color darkened it.

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It easily no it is forbidden to raise the corners of the mouth high ahem she managed to control her smug expression and apologized seriously I m sorry professor qiao I accidentally took advantage of you but the next.

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The man didn t give her any time to think and the kiss swept towards her like a thunderbolt qin haiqing was furious hey are you crazy this place stinks to death and there are so many dead bodies are you still in the mood.

To kiss as he spoke he found that he could move his hands and feet su ruoxing finally avoided qiao zhanchen s kiss took a big breath and hurriedly reminded qin haiqing hai qing if you don t leave quickly are you.

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With embarrassment making out with qiao zhanchen in front of fa xiao she no place to be ashamed of haiqing hurry up I m voluntary you know qin haiqing knows best how much she likes qiao zhanchen she doesn t have a.

Girlfriend and she tells qin haiqing everything qin haiqing knows her emotional history better than she herself qiao zhanchen was startled when he heard the woman say voluntarily but his restless palm stopped his bottomless.

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Is not a devil figure it should not be very bad she didn t have any fabric like this and he stood in front of him at a close distance but he was actually indifferent in his eyes she wouldn t be no different from those.

Ants are eating her flesh and blood she didn t know that her inadvertent action in the eyes of the man was like saying come on I want to qiao zhanchen tried his best to suppress the upsurge and in an instant an uprising.

Actually had a blush on it as if he was shy did he suddenly have feelings for her it doesn t make sense he was so cold just now could it be that his sense is lagging behind and the reflex arc is relatively long thinking of.

Zhanchen xuanxuan is looking for you qiao chixuan s sweet and innocent original ringtones breaking the heat of the air that was filled with the smell of formalin all su ruoxing s fantasies about men came back to reality.

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Can I come out if you don t get out of the way is this professor qiao s iq su ruoxing rudely criticized him an unknown fire burned in her heart qiao zhanchen left his seat he took off his white coat and planned to put it on.

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In her body qiao zhanchen raised a hand coldly and pushed her away ruthlessly go to sleep this time not only did qiao zhanchen not hug her and apologize like last time but he also pointed his high back towards her between.

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In the morning su ruoxing didn t have time to think about relationship issues she is busy with business today after su ruoxing hurried to the cafeteria to have breakfast he taught the students after finishing today s class.

Love him with integrity he will be here last night can you push it away yes he and I are divorced but we su ruo xing zheng replied his eyes suddenly froze several teachers and students happened to be nearby and heard what.